B reak the routine

Yes, How ironic! My first blog is about breaking the routine 🙂

Software development is what I do and I find it interesting and challenging. Interest and Challenge is what kept me going all the way for 6 years non-stop. It is different everyday, new task, new challenge, it is one of its kind. To keep the interest alive and going, I needed to “B reak the routine”. So, that’s what I did.

It was Easter holiday from 22nd April to 26th April. Before my boredom reach its peek on Sunday the 17th April, I decided to spend my birthday with my family for 4 days in India. Hmm, crazy??? Naah, I deserve it :p)

It’s a very good break of 4 days, compared to 90 days break I had it in past. Surprise is one more element, I thought would make it more interesting :). I took everyone by surprise, turning up on door step on my very birthday morning. (Don’t think so, anyone has touched the height of this craziness). A good teacher has marked it as “Patented craziness of bhavin”

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Heres some of the great moment (that’s what I call) of my “B reak the routine”

B reak the routine

Note to self: Make my next post bit techie, rather personal

4 Replies to “B reak the routine”

  1. I was waiting at home all day that day, called in sick and everything. Had a cake and candles. You never turned up! O-oh, you said India! Damn! I was in sydney, ok next time hehe you, you you got me!
    Happy birthday BARV! (Have you found LARV yet?)

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