S upport experience with Aspose, SpreadsheetGear and Telerik

H ello, Where are you? I am here, Where are you?

It is something from work, as this post is about sharing my experience dealing with Aspose, SpreadsheetGear and Telerik. And the experience gained working at SolveXia

This post is not endorsing any product or comparison of any such.

For those of you don’t know, Aspose is library which is used to manipulate Excel/Word and much more without using Microsoft word. SpreadsheetGear is mainly focused around Excel file manipulation. and Telerik is third party user control library.

First, I will talk about Aspose. These guys understand the competition in the market that they have, and always up for helping client with support query. Aspose guys are very open to clients suggestion and more over they take opportunity and implement valid suggestions relatively quickly. I can’t recall, Aspose ever disappointed me with support. I see and use Aspose library today and I can say that “It takes small small refinement in software which makes it super stable and best”, I have been using Aspose library for last 2 years.

Second, I will talk about SpreadsheetGear. These guys are mainly focused on Excel manipulation and has great excel library. SpreadsheetGear doesn’t do release very often (sometimes twice a year, mostly once a year). SpreadsheetGear performs very well with memory pressure. Support is not one of the best, but they will provide hotfix if need to. I have been using SpreadsheetGear for 1 year now. I was quick at learning the SpreadsheetGear library, may be reason being, I was familiar with Aspose. SpreadsheetGear is more defensive when it comes to supporting new feature request.

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I have and is still using all of the above three library, they all are great. Why, we use 2 library (Aspose & SpreadsheetGear) to do excel manipulations?, because Some features are great in Aspose whereas some are great in SpreadsheetGear. Its best of breed approach and lowers the risk on business being dependent on one library.

Well, too much talk about them. (But I gotta make sure, what I say, I deliver)

Thats all for today my friends,

Have a nice time !

Note to self: Talk less about others πŸ˜€

2 Replies to “S upport experience with Aspose, SpreadsheetGear and Telerik”

  1. Hey B arv!
    I like your blog!
    I also want to second some of the info in this post!
    Like you I have used those libraries for the past few years and also find them extremely useful.
    In my opinion spreadhseetgear is good for pure backend manipulation where advantage of multicore CPUs can be taken, but the drawback is that their charting is primitive. Aspose have way better looking charts. (By the way aspose is part russian hehehe notice the odessa@aspose.com email?)
    Good article, keep writing bro!
    I will definitely keep browsing πŸ™‚

  2. Hi mate,

    Thought I’d leave a note to say thanks for the frank opinions on these Vendors. Helped me make a few decisions πŸ™‚


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