V alidate your DBML file for stored proc and function existence

Back again, Hope you are all doing just fine and are well over the “Royal Wedding”.

As my last B log note to self, here is more techie post.

If you are a .Net developer, this post is more useful to you.

How would you validate your DBML file for any invalid stored proc or function referenced in it? MANUALLY???? Naaah……

Yeas, that’s what I thought and my brain acknowledged “Naaah…” and I wrote a very simple C# winforms application which takes DBML file as input. Once you select DBML file, it reads and populates the grid with stored procedure and function name that exist in DBML file. You can select another DBML file, and the content of new DBML file will be appended into the grid view (This way you can validate multiple DBML files’ content).

User requires to know the ip address of database, username and password that will be used to connect to SQL Server. You can tick “Remember” to remember the IP address, username and database name (I thought, storing database password was bad idea). and obviously, your IP address should have access to the SQL Server (i.e. if your SQL Server has firewall setup, your IP address needs to be in “Allowed” list)
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I have posted this article on CodeProject too. But I decided to share it here as well.

You can use this application or source code for personal use or for learning purpose. There is small usage of “ConfiguarationManager” too.

Any or all feedback, comments and criticism are most welcome. I will try to act upon feedback/comments received.

Note to self: Next post will be about experience dealing with “Telerik”, “Aspose” and “SpreadsheetGear” regarding their support.